Welcome to The Purple Living Room Project!
Are you interested in leaving your
political echo chamber for a moment?
Would you like to help bridge the
blue/red political divide?
The Purple Living Room Project needs YOU!
political echo chamber for a moment?
Would you like to help bridge the
blue/red political divide?
The Purple Living Room Project needs YOU!
Take a look...
The Idea?
Americans from across the
red/blue political divide
come together in
Purple Living Room Parties
with the goal of finding common ground.
red/blue political divide
come together in
Purple Living Room Parties
with the goal of finding common ground.
The Twist?
The point is not to debate the issues
or talk about party politics.
These conversations are focused on
listening to each other and on finding
points of agreement,
no matter how small.
These areas of common ground,
where blue and red perspectives overlap,
are called Purple Points.
or talk about party politics.
These conversations are focused on
listening to each other and on finding
points of agreement,
no matter how small.
These areas of common ground,
where blue and red perspectives overlap,
are called Purple Points.
The Ground Rules?

Purple Living Room Parties
are grounded in a spirit of
and FUN!
All participants agree to follow these principles,
outlined in The Purple Code.
are grounded in a spirit of
and FUN!
All participants agree to follow these principles,
outlined in The Purple Code.
The Protocol?
Each Purple Living Room Party focuses on finding Purple Points in 3 areas:
Participants use a listening protocol
to make sure that
everyone has a voice
and that the focus is on
finding common ground.
The Purple Points Protocol has 3 rounds:
to make sure that
everyone has a voice
and that the focus is on
finding common ground.
The Purple Points Protocol has 3 rounds:
The goal is to to find a few Purple Points...
everyone must agree with a statement
in order for it to be a Purple Point!
everyone must agree with a statement
in order for it to be a Purple Point!
The Action?
Participants share their Purple Points
with their elected officials as a group
at the conclusion of the party.
with their elected officials as a group
at the conclusion of the party.