The first step is to find a CO-HOST. Purple Living Room Parties are intended to bring Blue and Red perspectives together. Invite a friend or family member with different political views to co-host the party with you!
Before the Party...
- Choose an issue to discuss. Select an issue that is important to you both.
- Gather a group of 4-6 people. Each co-host brings one or two friends.
- Look for friends and acquaintances who are eager to talk and listen.
- Make sure your group is evenly balanced with red/blue perspectives.
- Share the Purple Code and Purple Points Protocol with guests.
- Read articles from different ideological sources about the issue you’ve selected to think about the potential Purple Points.
During the Party...
- Moderate the discussion.
- Act as timekeeper—2 minutes max per comment keeps the process moving.
- Keep the conversation focused on finding Purple Points of agreement.
- Summarize the Purple Points and make sure your group agrees.
After the Party...
- Write the group Purple Points letter to congress and share with everyone.
- Help your guests send the Purple Points letter to their elected officials.
- Share your group’s Purple Points on the facebook page to inspire others.
- Send a thank you to your participants and plan the next party!
- Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
How do we keep the conversation POSITIVE?
- Be sure everyone reads and agrees to the Purple Code before starting.
- Refer to the Purple Code if the conversation begins to get heated.
- Use the Purple Points Protocol to make sure that everyone is heard.
- Keep bringing the focus back to finding Purple Points of agreement.
How do we make the party fun?
- Encourage your guests to wear purple.
- Serve purple snacks and beverages.
- Start with an ice-breaker activity.
- Give your guests a purple party favor to remember the conversation.
- Take a picture and post it on the Purple Living Room Project Facebook page.