President Kennedy's
words at the end of his 1961 inaugural speech capture the pace of change in politics. Progress is often incremental. Sometimes the movement is g l a c i a l. Very rarely, change comes quickly, like an avalanche. At the end of his first 100 Days in office, President Biden addressed Congress this week and outlined his vision for a path forward. It's a BOLD vision, based on the notion that We the People can support one another in times of crisis and work together to rebuild America. It's BIG vision that aims to make changes quickly that will strengthen both our economy and the fabric of our social structures. It's a vision that can only succeed with bipartisan compromise and support. It takes the slow and steady work of listening and perspective-taking to move forward, one step at a time. Are you ready? Let's begin. Again. Let's continue to look for the purple.
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June 2022
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